44th South African Goju Kai Championships
9 – 11 August 2024 | Bloemfontein
More than 700 karateka gathered from around the Country to celebrate our Goju Kai family by showcasing our beautiful art and in turn solidifying relationships through this wonderful event.
There were participants from:
Western Province
Eastern Province
Free State
Kwazulu Natal
This years National Tournament was very special as it also acts as the final trials and selection for our National Team to compete in the next World championship to be held in Chiba Japan in early August next year.
Our President Saiko Shihan Goshi Yamaguchi, the son of our founder Gogen Yamaguchi will be 82 years old and it is our aim to pay tribute to him by supporting this event in his home country.
Thanks must go to my events team that worked tirelessly to make this event a success.
We are also blessed to have a strong leader that has devoted over a half century to grow Goju Kai as the family that it is today, thank you to our President Peter Brandon Hanshi.

Congratulations Masatoshi Yamaguchi Shihan for becoming a Hanshi
Masatoshi Yamaguchi Shihan pictured
with Saiko Shihan Yamaguchi

East Africa Karate Goju-Kai Seminar 14-17th March 2024
Words from the Uganda Hombu Dojo
On the 14-17th March 2024 Uganda hosted the East Africa karate-do Goju kai seminar which was presided over by the IKGA Vice-president and also the All Africa Goju kai bloc director Peter Brandon-Hanshi together with his son, the all Africa Goju kai technical director Frank Brandon-Shihan.
The event was attended by 150 Goju kai karate practitioners with children included. We had members from Kenya and Tanzania who took part in this historical seminar as well.
Peter Brandon Hanshi assisted by Frank Brandon Shihan taught how to enhance one’s charater and technical development through discipline and hard training. Frank Shihan under the watchful eye of Peter Brandon Hanshi took senior students through Jiyu kumite drills and high-intensity kata training and kata/bunkai to match the Goju kai standards.
On the last day of the seminar there was a grading from Shodan to Yondan (in total 13 students were graded: 6 Shodan, 2 Nidan, 2 Sandans and 3 Yondans). All students learnt an enormous amount with much enjoyment during the two-day seminar, so much so that the attendees did not want the seminar to end.
Having Hanshi-Peter Brandon and Shihan-Frank Brandon at the seminar was memorable and we look forward to more seminars with such top Goju kai instructors to help us upgrade us and also be able to pass on the exact things to those after us.
We in East Africa appreciate the sacrifices and efforts made by the All Africa Karate do Goju Kai and IKGA led by the All Africa bloc director Hanshi Peter Brandon and the All Africa technical director Frank Brandon Shihan as they have geared towards the spread, growth and development of Goju Kai karate. Their presence and guidance unites and strengthens All of Africas Goju Kai’s members.
Uganda Hombu Dojo

East London Seminar with Peter Brandon Hanshi and Frank Brandon Shihan
On 2nd March 2024, the South Africa Goju-Kai Karate-do presented a technical Seminar in East London which was hosted by Glenn Cunningham Shihan. The seminar was conducted by Peter Brandon Hanshi and Frank Brandon Shihan with a main focus on standardisation of kata. It is always an honour and an inspiring experience to be trained by these amazing instructors. The seminar covered Takyoku Jodan, Gekisai Dai Ichi, Saifa, Seienchen, Sanseiru, Seisan, Seipai, Kurunfa and Suparinpei. The event was well attended (approximately 100) and served as a crucial part of preparations towards the hugely anticipated 44th National Goju Kai Championship in August 2024.

Gauteng Seminar with Peter Brandon Hanshi and Frank Brandon Shihan
Gauteng province hosted Peter Brandon Hanshi and Frank Brandon Shihan, in order to conduct the Gauteng Technical Seminar on 13 April 2024. The purpose of the seminar was to standardise the Goju Kai kata required for the IKGA Global Championships being held in August 2025 in Japan.
The added bonus of this training was that all the Goju Kai dojos in Gauteng would be operating off the same hymn sheet when it comes to kata for gradings. The seminar was attended by 146 people, including visiting guests Clayton Thom Shihan from Eastern province, Louis Kritzinger Shihan (and a group of students from Free State Goju Kai), Quito du Preez Sensei from KZN and Renaldo Varden Sensei from Northern KZN. The following shihan from Gauteng were also in attendance: Johnny Loots Shihan, Susan Kaplan Shihan, Russell Sim Shihan, Siyabonga Ntlama Shihan, and Sean Ahmed Shihan.
The warm-ups and training under Frank Shihan were rigorous and there were many stiff and sore muscles the next day. Frank Shihan’s stamina and fitness was impressive to watch, and it was a great incentive for all to up their game. The kata training by Frank Shihan was well-received and a number of small changes in the kata were identified and implemented. It was good to see that Gauteng was not far off the mark. The changes are now being implemented at dojo level, to ensure that our students are well prepared for the Goju Kai national championships in Bloemfontein in August.
All Gauteng members thoroughly enjoyed the seminar, and our sincere thanks to Hanshi and Frank Shihan for giving us of their time and conducting a well-prepared and thorough technical drilling on all the Goju Kai kata. As a province, we look forward to the next one.

Free State Seminar with Peter Brandon Hanshi and Frank Brandon Shihan
On 5 & 6 April 2024 Bloemfontein hosted our provincial seminar and had the privilege of having Frank Brandon Shihan and Craig Kangsley Shihan here in Bloemfontein. More than 100 students, from all over Bloemfontein and Zastron, attended the seminar.
The seminar started on 5 April with a “brown belt and above” training session. On 6 April our “colour and white belts” had the opportunity to train with Craig Kangsley Shihan and our “brown and black belts” continued their training with Frank Brandon Shihan.
The 2 days training included sessions for beginners up to Shihan rank where we specifically focused on katas from Taikyoku Jordan up to Suparinpei with the aim on our nationals in August. The time we had training with these 2 masters were invaluable.
All the feedback I received from our students were very positive which gave us a huge sense of pride to be part of such and an amazing organisation.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Frank Brandon Shihan and Craig Kangsley Shihan for taking time out of their very busy schedule to share their knowledge with us. It is always a pleasure having them here in Bloemfontein.
Plans for the next seminar in 2025 has already started and we as a province are very excited for what lies ahead.
Louis Kritzinger

Western Province Trials 21 April 2024
The WP trials were attended by 173 junior and senior karateka on Sunday 21 April.
Divisions contested were Kata, kumite,jiyu kumite,unison kata and bunkai.
The WP team will now embark on vigorous training in order to lift the trophy at the 44th Goju Kai National Tournament and final trials to choose our National team.
This tournament and trials will be held in Bloemfontein in August. We are confident that many of our team members will be chosen to represent South Africa at the 8th Karate-Do Goju Kai Championships in Japan in August 2025.